Fifty-fifth Legislature                                                         

Second Regular Session                                                          




(Reference to printed bill)


Page 4, strike lines 9 through 11, insert:

"A. Maricopa county operations shall continue in its existing form through a transition period of not more than three years after the effective date of this act. On the election of the boards of supervisors in Hohokam, Maricopa, Mogollon and O'odham counties, the existing Maricopa county operations shall continue under the supervision of the intercounty oversight and accountability board for the duration of the transition period.  The current Maricopa county board of supervisors shall retain authority over the operation of Maricopa county during the transition period until the boards of supervisors in Hohokam, Maricopa, Mogollon and O'odham counties are sworn into office. The swearing in shall take place not later than June 15, 2023."

Line 16, after the period insert "Supervisors shall be elected at large for their initial term and shall be elected by supervisorial district at subsequent elections.  The board of supervisors shall approve supervisorial districts within one hundred eighty days of being sworn in."

Between lines 22 and 23, insert:

"D. The chairperson of each county's board of supervisors shall serve on an intercounty oversight and accountability board during the three-year transition period. The board shall make intercounty decisions and enter into mutually beneficial shared use or intergovernmental agreements for the continuation of services for Hohokam, Maricopa, Mogollon and O'odham counties. The board will terminate at the end of the transition period. The board may be continued if approved by a majority of the board of supervisors of Hohokam, Maricopa, Mogollon and O'odham counties."

Reletter to conform

Page 4, between lines 38 and 39, insert:

"H. The election of unfilled elected county seats in Hohokam, Maricopa, Mogollon and O'odham counties shall take place at the same time as the election of the board of supervisors in Hohokam, Maricopa, Mogollon and O'odham counties.  Current elected officials shall finish their current terms in the county in which they reside.

I. Hohokam, Maricopa, Mogollon and O'odham counties shall enter into an intergovernmental agreement for the continued operation of community colleges for a period of not less than ten years after the effective date of this act."

Line 42, strike "fifth-sixth" insert "fifty-sixth"

Amend title to conform

And, as so amended, it do pass








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